Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Review on The Pursuit of Happyness Essay

The Pursuit of Happyness is a very moving film about a man and his quest for a better life. It is an inspiring case study of how many of the elements of happiness work together from relationships, to poverty, to positive mental attitude and determination. The movie is based on the true story of Chris Gardener, a struggling entrepreneur in 1980s San Francisco, with one driving ambition- to be a good father to his son. He tries to improve the family financial situation by purchasing and selling medical equipment, but the investment does not work out and the family sinks further into poverty. He sees his chance to make good after admiring a sports car on the street in the business district, where all the people seem happy. The car owner tells Chris he is a stock broker and anyone who is good with numbers and with people can be successful as a stock broker- even without a college degree. Chris uses his people skills and demonstrates the value of good relationships to get a chance at an internship where he must compete with 20 other candidates for 6 months for one paid position. His wife leaves him, he loses his apartment, bank accounts, credit cards, and has to spend time in jail, but all through it he is dedicated to keeping his son and pursuing his dream. The title, Pursuit of Happyness spelled with a y,comes from some graffiti at the daycare center and is also a reference to an essay written by a biracial man in the US shortly after the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson. The movie is beautifully acted by Will Smith and well written. It shows how people without money are often victimized and bullied by those who do have money and power. Yet Chris Gardener repeatedly demonstrates the importance of good relationships even with people who treat him badly. He shows the importance of knowing his strengths and using them, even in unconventional ways. His optimism turns into dogged determination as he demonstrates incredible persistence and creativity in his pursuit of happiness. The realism and emotional punch of the Christopher Gardner story makes this a moving and inspiring drama. Whether you are inspired to be grateful for your own circumstances or by the value of grace and determination, this movie is sure to show you something about happiness- its importance and how to get it. The Pursuit of Happyness teaches us a lot about the importance of virtues and strengths in our happy lives.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Banduras Theory

Albert Bandura became a significant icon in the field of experimentation on the aspect of behavioral patterns associated with aggression. In this perspective, Bandura created certain procedures to view how the behavioral pattern of aggression is related and developed in each individual through being exposed in the sociological aspect. In this experiment, Bandura employed the use of a Bobo doll as part of his techniques of displaying aggression on his chosen subject, which is a group of prepubescent child.His experimentation subject was particularly chosen as they have less social conditioning due to their young age and minimally developed behavioral patterns thus, achieving better observation results. From this experiment, Bandura has found that aggression is indeed communicated through exposure and imitation making the influenced subjects display the same aggressive behavioral pattern as they witnessed in the experiment.Relating to the same approach while developing a new experiment ation method, the author of this paper wishes to create an experiment displaying the influence of aggression in the behavioral pattern of the exposed individuals. In this experiment, children will likewise be used as subjects in the experiment, which will be classified under three groups namely the aggressive, non-aggressive, and the neutral. The first two groups will be further classified into two based on gender to determine if the gender factor will influence the transition in the experimentation.Each child will be separated individually in an isolated individual in which, they will watch a particular video of a either a man or woman based on the gender of the subject that fixes a particular problem with different approach. The aggressive batch will be shown a video of an aggressive approach of fixing the problem in the medium while the second will witnessed a non-aggressive approach. The video indeed in this experiment will be served as the model thus, also proving if aggressive behaviors depicted in modern communication can likewise influence the minds of the public.After the period of viewing, the subjects will be transferred into another room separated individually wherein they will perform the same task displayed in the video to observe whether the children will perform similarly to the approach displayed by their models. In this experiment, the significant influence of aggressive behaviors on the behavioral pattern of the child will be measured in their personal approach of performing the same tasks.In this experiment, it should be noted that one particular objective is inducing non-aggressive behaviors in the children. Expected prior to this experiment is that having model performing non-aggressive approach towards a certain tasks will significant influence the behavioral pattern of the children exposed to the said action. As such, this approach will be taken and implemented as a practical medium in a children institution to induce non-aggressive beh avior.Showing simple video or film characterized by non-aggressive approach can indeed be used as a practical medium of encouraging and inducing non-aggressive behaviors in the children in their personal tasks and social activities. Bibliography Bandura, Albert & Walters, Richard H. (1959). Adolescent Aggression: A Study of the Influence of Child-Training Practices and Family Interrelationships. Ronald Publication, New York. ISBN-10: 0826006876.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Active Listening

* We listen to understand. * We listen for enjoyment. * We listen to learn. Given all this listening we do, you would think we’d be good at it! In fact most of us are not, and research suggests that we remember between 25 percent and 50 percent of what we hear. That means that when you talk to your boss, colleagues, customers or spouse for 10 minutes, they pay attention to less than half of the conversation. This is dismal! Turn it around and it reveals that when you are receiving directions or being presented with information, you aren’t hearing the whole message either. You hope the important parts are captured in your 25-50 percent, but what if they’re not? Clearly, listening is a skill that we can all benefit from improving. By becoming a better listener, you will improve your productivity, as well as your ability to influence, persuade and negotiate. What’s more, you’ll avoid conflict and misunderstandings. All of these are necessary for workplace success! Good communication skills require a high level of self-awareness. By understanding your personal style of communicating, you will go a long way towards creating good and lasting impressions with others. About Active Listening The way to become a better listener is to practice â€Å"active listening. † This is where you make a conscious effort to hear not only the words that another person is saying but, more importantly, try to understand the complete message being sent. In order to do this you must pay attention to the other person very carefully. You cannot allow yourself to become distracted by whatever else may be going on around you, or by forming counter arguments that you’ll make when the other person stops speaking. Nor can you allow yourself to get bored, and lose focus on what the other person is saying. All of these contribute to a lack of listening and understanding. If you’re finding it particularly difficult to concentrate on what someone is saying, try repeating their words mentally as they say them – this will reinforce their message and help you stay focused. To enhance your listening skills, you need to let the other person know that you are listening to what he or she is saying. To understand the importance of this, ask yourself if you’ve ever been engaged in a conversation when you wondered if the other person was listening to what you were saying. You wonder if your message is getting across, or if it’s even worthwhile continuing to speak. It feels like talking to a brick wall and it’s something you want to avoid. Acknowledgement can be something as simple as a nod of the head or a simple â€Å"uh huh. You aren’t necessarily agreeing with the person, you are simply indicating that you are listening. Using body language and other signs to acknowledge you are listening also reminds you to pay attention and not let your mind wander. You should also try to respond to the speaker in a way that will both encourage him or her to continue speaking, so that you can get the information if you need. While nodding and â€Å"uh huhing† says you’re interested, an occasional question or comment to recap what has been said communicates that you understand the message as well. Becoming an Active Listener There are five key elements of active listening. They all help you ensure that you hear the other person, and that the other person knows you are hearing what they say. 1. Pay Attention Give the speaker your undivided attention, and acknowledge the message. Recognize that non-verbal communication also â€Å"speaks† loudly. * Look at the speaker directly. * Put aside distracting thoughts. * Don’t mentally prepare a rebuttal! * Avoid being distracted by environmental factors. For example, side conversations. â€Å"Listen† to the speaker’s body language. 2. Show That You’re Listening Use your own body language and gestures to convey your attention. * Nod occasionally. * Smile and use other facial expressions. * Note your posture and make sure it is open and inviting. * Encourage the speaker to continue with small verbal comments like yes, and uh huh. 3. Provide Feedback Our personal filters, assumptions, judgments, and belie fs can distort what we hear. As a listener, your role is to understand what is being said. This may require you to reflect what is being said and ask questions. * Reflect what has been said by paraphrasing. â€Å"What I’m hearing is,† and â€Å"Sounds like you are saying,† are great ways to reflect back. * Ask questions to clarify certain points. â€Å"What do you mean when you say. † â€Å"Is this what you mean? † * Summarize the speaker’s comments periodically. If you find yourself responding emotionally to what someone said, say so, and ask for more information: â€Å"I may not be understanding you correctly, and I find myself taking what you said personally. What I thought you just said is XXX; is that what you meant? † 4. Defer Judgment Interrupting is a waste of time. It frustrates the speaker and limits full understanding of the message. * Allow the speaker to finish each point before asking questions. * Don’t interrupt with counter arguments. 5. Respond Appropriately Active listening is a model for respect and understanding. You are gaining information and perspective. You add nothing by attacking the speaker or otherwise putting him or her down. * Be candid, open, and honest in your response. Assert your opinions respectfully. Treat the other person in a way that you think he or she would want to be treated. Listening is the ability to accurately receive messages in the communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication, without the ability to listen effectively messages are easily misunderstood – communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated . Listening is so important that many top employers give regular listening skills training for their employees. This is not surprising when you consider that  good listening skills can lead to: better customer satisfaction, greater productivity with fewer mistakes, increased sharing of information that in turn can lead to more creative and innovative work. Good listening skills also have benefits in our personal lives, including: a greater number of friends and social networks, improved self-esteem and confidence, higher grades in academic work and increased health and wellbeing. Studies have shown that, whereas speaking raises blood pressure, listening brings it down. Listening is not the same as hearing. Hearing refers to the sounds that you hear, whereas listening requires more than that: it requires focus. Listening means paying attention not only to the story, but how it is told, the use of language and voice, and how the other person uses his or her body. In other words, it means being aware of both verbal and non-verbal messages. Your ability to listen effectively depends on the degree to which you perceive and understand these messages. â€Å"The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. † Rachel Naomi Remen We spend a lot of our time listening Adults spend an average of 70% of their time engaged in some sort of communication, of this an average of 45% is spent listening compared to 30% speaking, 16% reading and 9% writing. (Adler, R. et al. 2001). 10 Principles of Listening A good listener will listen not only to what is being said, but also to what is left unsaid or only partially said. Listening involves observing body language and noticing inconsistencies between verbal and non-verbal messages. For example, if someone tells you that they are happy with their life but through gritted teeth or with tears filling their eyes, you should consider that the verbal and non-verbal messages are in conflict, they maybe don’t mean what they say. Listening requires you to concentrate and use your other senses in addition to simply hearing the words spoken. Listening is not the same as hearing and in order to listen effectively you need to use more than just your ears. 1. Stop Talking â€Å"If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two tongues and one ear. † Mark Twain. Don’t talk, listen. When somebody else is talking listen to what they are saying, do not interrupt, talk over them or finish their sentences for them. Stop, just listen. When the other person has finished talking you may need to clarify to ensure you have received their message accurately. 2. Prepare Yourself to Listen Relax. Focus on the speaker. Put other things out of mind. The human mind is easily distracted by other thoughts – what’s for lunch, what time do I need to leave to catch my train, is it going to rain – try to put other thoughts out of mind and concentrate on the messages that are being communicated. 3. Put the Speaker at Ease Help the speaker to feel free to speak. Remember their needs and concerns. Nod or use other gestures or words to encourage them to continue. Maintain eye contact but don’t stare – show you are listening and understanding what is being said. 4. Remove Distractions Focus on what is being said: don’t doodle, shuffle papers, look out the window, pick your fingernails or similar. Avoid unnecessary interruptions. These behaviours disrupt the listening process and send messages to the speaker that you are bored or distracted. 5. Empathize Try to understand the other person’s point of view. Look at issues from their perspective. Let go of preconceived ideas. By having an open mind we can more fully empathise with the speaker. If the speaker says something that you disagree with then wait and construct an argument to counter what is said but keep an open mind to the views and opinions of others. (See our page:  What is Empathy? ) 6. Be Patient A pause, even a long pause, does not necessarily mean that the speaker has finished. Be patient and let the speaker continue in their own time, sometimes it takes time to formulate what to say and how to say it. Never interrupt or finish a sentence for someone. 7. Avoid Personal Prejudice Try to be impartial. Don’t become irritated and don’t let the person’s habits or mannerisms distract you from what they are really saying. Everybody has a different way of speaking – some people are for example more nervous or shy than others, some have regional accents or make excessive arm movements, some people like to pace whilst talking – others like to sit still. Focus on what is being said and try to ignore styles of delivery. 8. Listen to the Tone Volume and tone both add to what someone is saying. A good speaker will use both volume and tone to their advantage to keep an audience attentive; everybody will use pitch, tone and volume of voice in certain situations – let these help you to understand the emphasis of what is being said. 9. Listen for Ideas – Not Just Words You need to get the whole picture, not just isolated bits and pieces. Maybe one of the most difficult aspects of listening is the ability to link together pieces of information to reveal the ideas of others. With proper concentration, letting go of distractions, and focus this becomes easier. 10. Wait and Watch for Non-Verbal Communication Gestures, facial expressions, and eye-movements can all be important. We don’t just listen with our ears but also with our eyes – watch and pick up the additional information being transmitted via non-verbal communication. Do not jump to conclusions about what you see and hear. You should always seek clarification to ensure that your understanding is correct. Active Listening * We listen to understand. * We listen for enjoyment. * We listen to learn. Given all this listening we do, you would think we’d be good at it! In fact most of us are not, and research suggests that we remember between 25 percent and 50 percent of what we hear. That means that when you talk to your boss, colleagues, customers or spouse for 10 minutes, they pay attention to less than half of the conversation. This is dismal! Turn it around and it reveals that when you are receiving directions or being presented with information, you aren’t hearing the whole message either. You hope the important parts are captured in your 25-50 percent, but what if they’re not? Clearly, listening is a skill that we can all benefit from improving. By becoming a better listener, you will improve your productivity, as well as your ability to influence, persuade and negotiate. What’s more, you’ll avoid conflict and misunderstandings. All of these are necessary for workplace success! Good communication skills require a high level of self-awareness. By understanding your personal style of communicating, you will go a long way towards creating good and lasting impressions with others. About Active Listening The way to become a better listener is to practice â€Å"active listening. † This is where you make a conscious effort to hear not only the words that another person is saying but, more importantly, try to understand the complete message being sent. In order to do this you must pay attention to the other person very carefully. You cannot allow yourself to become distracted by whatever else may be going on around you, or by forming counter arguments that you’ll make when the other person stops speaking. Nor can you allow yourself to get bored, and lose focus on what the other person is saying. All of these contribute to a lack of listening and understanding. If you’re finding it particularly difficult to concentrate on what someone is saying, try repeating their words mentally as they say them – this will reinforce their message and help you stay focused. To enhance your listening skills, you need to let the other person know that you are listening to what he or she is saying. To understand the importance of this, ask yourself if you’ve ever been engaged in a conversation when you wondered if the other person was listening to what you were saying. You wonder if your message is getting across, or if it’s even worthwhile continuing to speak. It feels like talking to a brick wall and it’s something you want to avoid. Acknowledgement can be something as simple as a nod of the head or a simple â€Å"uh huh. You aren’t necessarily agreeing with the person, you are simply indicating that you are listening. Using body language and other signs to acknowledge you are listening also reminds you to pay attention and not let your mind wander. You should also try to respond to the speaker in a way that will both encourage him or her to continue speaking, so that you can get the information if you need. While nodding and â€Å"uh huhing† says you’re interested, an occasional question or comment to recap what has been said communicates that you understand the message as well. Becoming an Active Listener There are five key elements of active listening. They all help you ensure that you hear the other person, and that the other person knows you are hearing what they say. 1. Pay Attention Give the speaker your undivided attention, and acknowledge the message. Recognize that non-verbal communication also â€Å"speaks† loudly. * Look at the speaker directly. * Put aside distracting thoughts. * Don’t mentally prepare a rebuttal! * Avoid being distracted by environmental factors. For example, side conversations. â€Å"Listen† to the speaker’s body language. 2. Show That You’re Listening Use your own body language and gestures to convey your attention. * Nod occasionally. * Smile and use other facial expressions. * Note your posture and make sure it is open and inviting. * Encourage the speaker to continue with small verbal comments like yes, and uh huh. 3. Provide Feedback Our personal filters, assumptions, judgments, and belie fs can distort what we hear. As a listener, your role is to understand what is being said. This may require you to reflect what is being said and ask questions. * Reflect what has been said by paraphrasing. â€Å"What I’m hearing is,† and â€Å"Sounds like you are saying,† are great ways to reflect back. * Ask questions to clarify certain points. â€Å"What do you mean when you say. † â€Å"Is this what you mean? † * Summarize the speaker’s comments periodically. If you find yourself responding emotionally to what someone said, say so, and ask for more information: â€Å"I may not be understanding you correctly, and I find myself taking what you said personally. What I thought you just said is XXX; is that what you meant? † 4. Defer Judgment Interrupting is a waste of time. It frustrates the speaker and limits full understanding of the message. * Allow the speaker to finish each point before asking questions. * Don’t interrupt with counter arguments. 5. Respond Appropriately Active listening is a model for respect and understanding. You are gaining information and perspective. You add nothing by attacking the speaker or otherwise putting him or her down. * Be candid, open, and honest in your response. Assert your opinions respectfully. Treat the other person in a way that you think he or she would want to be treated. Listening is the ability to accurately receive messages in the communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication, without the ability to listen effectively messages are easily misunderstood – communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated . Listening is so important that many top employers give regular listening skills training for their employees. This is not surprising when you consider that  good listening skills can lead to: better customer satisfaction, greater productivity with fewer mistakes, increased sharing of information that in turn can lead to more creative and innovative work. Good listening skills also have benefits in our personal lives, including: a greater number of friends and social networks, improved self-esteem and confidence, higher grades in academic work and increased health and wellbeing. Studies have shown that, whereas speaking raises blood pressure, listening brings it down. Listening is not the same as hearing. Hearing refers to the sounds that you hear, whereas listening requires more than that: it requires focus. Listening means paying attention not only to the story, but how it is told, the use of language and voice, and how the other person uses his or her body. In other words, it means being aware of both verbal and non-verbal messages. Your ability to listen effectively depends on the degree to which you perceive and understand these messages. â€Å"The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. † Rachel Naomi Remen We spend a lot of our time listening Adults spend an average of 70% of their time engaged in some sort of communication, of this an average of 45% is spent listening compared to 30% speaking, 16% reading and 9% writing. (Adler, R. et al. 2001). 10 Principles of Listening A good listener will listen not only to what is being said, but also to what is left unsaid or only partially said. Listening involves observing body language and noticing inconsistencies between verbal and non-verbal messages. For example, if someone tells you that they are happy with their life but through gritted teeth or with tears filling their eyes, you should consider that the verbal and non-verbal messages are in conflict, they maybe don’t mean what they say. Listening requires you to concentrate and use your other senses in addition to simply hearing the words spoken. Listening is not the same as hearing and in order to listen effectively you need to use more than just your ears. 1. Stop Talking â€Å"If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two tongues and one ear. † Mark Twain. Don’t talk, listen. When somebody else is talking listen to what they are saying, do not interrupt, talk over them or finish their sentences for them. Stop, just listen. When the other person has finished talking you may need to clarify to ensure you have received their message accurately. 2. Prepare Yourself to Listen Relax. Focus on the speaker. Put other things out of mind. The human mind is easily distracted by other thoughts – what’s for lunch, what time do I need to leave to catch my train, is it going to rain – try to put other thoughts out of mind and concentrate on the messages that are being communicated. 3. Put the Speaker at Ease Help the speaker to feel free to speak. Remember their needs and concerns. Nod or use other gestures or words to encourage them to continue. Maintain eye contact but don’t stare – show you are listening and understanding what is being said. 4. Remove Distractions Focus on what is being said: don’t doodle, shuffle papers, look out the window, pick your fingernails or similar. Avoid unnecessary interruptions. These behaviours disrupt the listening process and send messages to the speaker that you are bored or distracted. 5. Empathize Try to understand the other person’s point of view. Look at issues from their perspective. Let go of preconceived ideas. By having an open mind we can more fully empathise with the speaker. If the speaker says something that you disagree with then wait and construct an argument to counter what is said but keep an open mind to the views and opinions of others. (See our page:  What is Empathy? ) 6. Be Patient A pause, even a long pause, does not necessarily mean that the speaker has finished. Be patient and let the speaker continue in their own time, sometimes it takes time to formulate what to say and how to say it. Never interrupt or finish a sentence for someone. 7. Avoid Personal Prejudice Try to be impartial. Don’t become irritated and don’t let the person’s habits or mannerisms distract you from what they are really saying. Everybody has a different way of speaking – some people are for example more nervous or shy than others, some have regional accents or make excessive arm movements, some people like to pace whilst talking – others like to sit still. Focus on what is being said and try to ignore styles of delivery. 8. Listen to the Tone Volume and tone both add to what someone is saying. A good speaker will use both volume and tone to their advantage to keep an audience attentive; everybody will use pitch, tone and volume of voice in certain situations – let these help you to understand the emphasis of what is being said. 9. Listen for Ideas – Not Just Words You need to get the whole picture, not just isolated bits and pieces. Maybe one of the most difficult aspects of listening is the ability to link together pieces of information to reveal the ideas of others. With proper concentration, letting go of distractions, and focus this becomes easier. 10. Wait and Watch for Non-Verbal Communication Gestures, facial expressions, and eye-movements can all be important. We don’t just listen with our ears but also with our eyes – watch and pick up the additional information being transmitted via non-verbal communication. Do not jump to conclusions about what you see and hear. You should always seek clarification to ensure that your understanding is correct.

Communication in Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Communication in Economics - Essay Example It is, hence, no surprise that, as of this writing, statistics showed that more than half of the total population of Zimbabwe is now living below poverty line. â€Å"According to the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industry, some 620 companies have closed shop since July 2000. The unemployment rate is at 80 percent and the official inflation rate has officially topped 782 percent, by far the highest in the world, while the International Monetary Fund puts the real rate at more than 900 percent† (Chigugu, 2006) The IMF has emphasized on the needs and urged the Zimbabwe government to implement certain policies. These policies according to IMF should aim at â€Å"strong fiscal adjustment; cutting state expenditure; full liberalization of the exchange rate regime; adoption of a strong monetary anchor by reducing money supply; fundamental structural reform, including price deregulation and public enterprise reform; strengthening of property rights and halting invasions of commercial farmland; and improvements in governance.† By the year 2005, the International Monetary Fund has already rang the alarm bells about the economic state of Zimbabwe. The interest rate was on a record of seventy percentages in year 2005 while the inflation was more than three hundred and fifty percentage. The IMF further underscored the fact that the country’s gross domestic product will likely shrink another seven percent this year while some economists predict that by years end inflation could reach 1,000%. (Franceschi, 2005) And so if these problems are left unchecked, the IMF predicted an economic collapse very soon. These highlighted how poor the condition of Zimbabwe’s economy has become. Not a few literature has explored the case of Zimbabwe and its political and economic system as well as its future. For this paper, I start with the fact that Zimbabwe governmental policies in place are self-destructive in a way that repressive political and economic

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Managerial Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Managerial Theories - Essay Example This paper covers the inherent conflict between providing costly incentives to motivate managers to perform well, against the overall profit motive of the firm. In analysing this conundrum, the author will call on the different kinds of motivational tools available to the Managing Director and the Board of Directors of a firm, and how those tools are regarded both by the managers whose incentives are affected, and the shareholders of the firm, who are presumably trying to maximise their gain (Griffith 2000).  As income taxes have risen over the past historical era, the outright impact of salary or bonus increases has been moderated somewhat. The incremental tax on income in the UK and the US is at about 50%, hen all local and national income taxes are taken into account. Thus the standard supply and demand relationship demonstrates a curve, as shown below. Since taxes climb with income, the curve’s change in slope is more pronounced:  As compared to the turn of the last ce ntury, when income taxes were less than 10%, the total impact of increases in wages has therefore moderated. The second influence on this moderation has been the increase in the value of leisure time (Kokoski 1987). As the value of leisure hours has increased, the amount which needs to be paid to offset the value of leisure time has also increased, all else being equal.  Group incentives can take the form of income increases (salary and bonus) or non-monetary rewards, such as additional vacation days. From a microeconomics standpoint, there is no difference between group pay incentives and individual pay incentives. There are psychological differences which can be substantial, however, depending on the type of performance being rewarded.   An extreme example of the point above is an individual whose personal rewards far exceed those of the group.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Explication of a poem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Explication of a poem - Essay Example wen presents a poem which through its rich imagery, use of sounds and literary allusions, creates a picture of the soldier that is extremely different from the conventional portrait of the soldier. The most important contribution of this poem to one’s understanding of war is the fact that it breaks down the notion of war as an honorable occupation for men. Such accounts of war are almost always premised upon the masculine prowess of the people involved in the war. This poem, however, significantly, alters the view of the soldier as a masculine person. What the poem does is to introduce images of the soldier as a helpless weakling who is trapped in the hostilities between two nations. The sight of the soldier is that of a man â€Å"guttering, choking, drowning† and immersed in pain. The â€Å"desperate glory† (Owen) that he seeks turns out to be a mirage, something that is unattainable in modern warfare. What Owen seems to be indicating is the fact that the older forms of warfare that led to lesser numbers of casualties had given way to more dangerous and more impersonal forms of warfare that led to the numbing of the soldiers in question. One of the most important techniques that the poem uses in order to undercut the rhetoric of war and patriotism is the very rhyme pattern that it follows. The rhyme scheme is abab. This resembles the marching pattern of an army. The pattern, however, in the poem, only symbolizes death and decay. It represents the impossibility of progress and the boredom that accompanies a life as a soldier. Even instances of urgency and vigor are followed and accompanied by the clumsiness of wearing one’s â€Å"helmets just in time†. This is an example of a transferred epithet where the characteristics of one object are transferred to the other. The very basic act of marching is undercut and parodied in the poem, something that locates it in a canon of anti-war poetry. War is thus, something that stunts the growth of one human being and of the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Arius Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Arius - Essay Example This teaching ended up becoming so popular in fact that many bishops ended up defecting to the Arian heresy, and it was officially condemned at the First Council of Nicea in 325 AD and as well was supported later in the First Council of Constantinople in 381 AD. Then, from these councils came the Nicene Creed which Christians profess in Church each Sunday. There are many different important issues that should be known about Arius, and the aim of this paper is to discuss the most significant of all. Who Arius was, where he came from and the type of life that he lived, what his method of communicating his beliefs was, and the controversy that he caused throughout his life - each and every one of these issues will be thoroughly addressed and discussed here, and by doing this, we will be able to attain a much more informed and knowledgeable understanding on Arius overall. This is what will be dissertated in the following. Arius is considered to have been of Libyan descent, with his father being known as Ammonius. Arius was a student in Antioch at the exegetical school, where he studied under Saint Lucian, who was in fact the school's founder. It was in the year 313 when Arius was made presbyter of the Baucalis district in Alexandria, and this is how he really became known. He was considered as being a man of personal aesthetic character, pure morals, and decided convictions, although at the same time there were a number of people who assailed his character. The traditional beliefs of his time are incredibly important to take into consideration, and Christianity was by far the most major religion. Pope Miltiades was the Pope from July 2, 310 or 311, to January 10 or 11, 314, and was subsequently made a saint. Miltiades was who became Pope after the Roman emperor Galerius had previously passed on an edict of toleration ending the persecution of Christians, and "During his pontificate, in 313, the Edict of Milan was passed by the tetrarchs Constantine and Licinius, declaring that they would be neutral with regard to religious worship and restoring church property. Constantine presented the pope with the Lateran Palace which became the papal residence and seat of Christian governance" (Haas, 1993). In the year 313, Miltiades presided over the Lateran Synod in Rome at which Caecilian was acquitted of the charges that had been brought up against him, and Donatus Magnus ended up being condemned as a heretic. Magnus was then summoned to the Co uncil of Arles, the first representative meeting of all of the Western Roman Empire's Christian bishops, but he ended up dying before it was even held. After the death of Miltiades, he was made a saint, with his feast-day being held on December 10. There is also the important note to make of although his death was considered as being natural, at the same time he is nonetheless regarded as a martyr because of all of his earlier suffering under the ant-Christian emperor Maximan. The name God is considered as referring to "the deity held by monotheists to be the supreme reality. God is generally

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Enhancing the Patient Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Enhancing the Patient Experience - Essay Example Specifically, the patient journey and challenges incorporated the actual healthcare experiences with the textbook knowledge. The experience adds a new aspect to nursing care learning. The new knowledge delves into the importance of â€Å"person-centred care† ( 2012). Further, the journey experiences convince the nurse that learning includes gathering inputs from the healthcare environment ( 2012). The inputs include the patients’ inputs. The healthcare environment indicates that the patients have different culture-based inputs. The nurse compares the patients’ inputs with current medical databases. Tiago (2011, p. 268) reiterated â€Å"With the synergies and differences between the different theories and models that analyze and predict the acceptance of technology, its explanation identifies the advantages and disadvantages associated with them as well as a clear identification of variables that interpret end-user moti vation to accept IT/† Tiago (2011, p. 268) that a research of 43 Portugal medical doctors used the Electronic Medical Database system for their diagnosis and prescription activities. The doctors have different specializations. Consequently, the doctors tailor their database on their medical expertise. For example, the oncology expert keeps a cancer-related database Furthermore, the experience lessons persuade the nurse to search for references that will ensure positive outcomes from the patient-centred healthcare approach ( 2008). Positive output includes client’s receiving significant psychological benefits. Ella Stiles (2011, p. 35) theorised â€Å"To achieve best outcomes, patients must have a good understanding of the condition and should adopt a vigilant self-care approach. However, this may be difficult for patients with low health literacy because they may struggle with obtaining, understanding and applying health information.† The nu rses must encourage the patients to do their share in the healing process. The nurses cannot fully implement the healing process without the patients’ voluntary implementation of the medical doctor’s prescriptions. For example, the nurses should persuade the hypertensive patients to avoid fatty foods because fatty foods trigger the hypertension attacks. In addition, the positive outputs of the patient journey learning experiences include the nurses’ gaining psychological advantages from the patient-centred hospital experiences. Arturo (Bustamante, 2011, p 1921) states â€Å"physicians with 50 percent or more Latino patients were more likely than the reference group to report inadequate time with patients, patients' inability to pay, the lack of qualified specialists in their areas, not getting timely reports from other physicians, difficulties communicating with patients, and patient noncompliance with treatment.† ‘ The quote clearly shows that the language barrier reduces the implementation of a favorable communication between the Spanish-speaking Latinos and the English-speaking healthcare professionals. The research indicated that medical professionals serving more than 50 percent Latino patients’ medical needs had lesser confidence in their ability to communicate with the Latino patients, reducing the required healthcare quality service. Further, the patient journey experiences enrich the nurses’ knowledge that the healthcare practitioners, especially the nurses, must

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Psychology life span develpement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Psychology life span develpement - Essay Example These two principals are the real and operation. Real intelligence entails things that are being defined and also inquired the true nature. On the other hand, operational intelligence is computable. There are several theories of intelligence that have been there to try and explain and measure how smart one can be. A majority of intelligence theories have been criticized over time thus causing them to either withstand this criticism or failing to work by lack of basis to substantiate their viability over time. The different types of intelligent theories that exist contradict with each other or with at least one earlier theory. This is evident in the sense that they tend to own different assumption and perspective when it comes to each thinking approach. The first theory of intelligence is the Faculty theory. This theory has been listed as the oldest in terms of its nature of intelligence. In addition, this theory flourished in the 18th and 19th century (Tugoy, 2003). This theory reaso ns that mind is made up of diverse faculties which are memory, imagination, reasoning, and discrimination. Despite the fact that this faculties are independent of each other, with vigorous training this faculties can or may develop. However this theory has been under pressure of criticism by psychologists who object that the brain has independent faculties. Another theory of intelligence is one factor or UNI factor theory. This theory moderates all abilities into a single one of either common sense or general intelligence. This theory tries to suggest how all abilities are perfectly linked and therefore not allowing for any room for the uneven individuals (Sternberg, 2000). This theory lacks credibility as it tends to go against the notion that every person has his or her own abilities that are distinct to that of another person and thus making every individual to shine differently in all aspects of life. English Psychologist Charles Spearman developed Spearman’s two-factor t heory in 1904. He suggested that two factors comprise the intellectual abilities of each person. One of these factors is the common ability or general ability, which is also known as ‘G’ factor. The second factor is a group of specific abilities also referred to as the ‘S’ factor. The ‘G’ factor is an inborn skill which leads to a fruitful life of an individual whereas, the ’S’ factor is unique factor that is developed from the surroundings. In addition, these factors are distinct from each other in an individual level. The list of theories of intelligence is long and more theories continue to emerge as time goes on. So far, two factor theory of Spearman is the best. This theory involves two factors as its name implies. These factors are general factors and the specific factors. This theory is free from much criticism because it is reasonable in its details. It is true when one says that success is earned through effort and accord ing to this theory success in any field very much depends on specific factor which is essentially learned. In addition, every individual is features are different from the other in their own unique way. This theory tries to expound on that subject and explains that every individual is distinct in his or her mental performance and one can never be perfect in all that he or she does. For example a person who excels in English might be poor in mathematics or sciences. In this context, I believe that this theory of intelli

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The World of Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The World of Hamlet - Essay Example The imaginary world, the play's world, is thus a self-contained world in which everything is as it should be. That said, he finds this play to be the most elusive of all of Shakespeare's work. He paraphrases a Mr. E.M. W. Tillyard, stating that, No one is likely to accept another man's reading of Hamlet, that anyone who tries to throw light on one part of the play usually throws the rest into deeper shadow, and that what I have to say leaves out many problems-to mention only one, the knotty problem of the text (Mack, 1952: 87). The purpose of this essay is to determine whether Mack's assertion that three attributes of the play are, in fact, reasonable foundations for determining the popularity and the endurance of this play. To this end, this essay will examine the three attributes posited by Mack and argue that these attributes are indeed aspects of the imaginary world which do explain the power and the depth of the play. The first attribute refers to the mysteriousness of Hamlet's imaginary world. Mysteriousness, as Mack sees it, has long been an element associated with unique artistic endeavors. In Hamlet, this mysteriousness is manifest in many ways and pervades the text of the play rather than functioning as a sporadic or fleeting element. Mack cites the nature of Hamlet's madness, the ghost, his behavior toward Ophelia and Polonius, his clothing, and the manner in which his madness affects the other characters. There is, in effect, an extreme element of unpredictability which serves to fascinate rather than to discourage the reader of the play. This mysteriousness is engaging rather than unacceptable, and it functions to pull the reader into Hamlet's world. The lack of logic, the riddles, and the unexpected reactions and twists cannot be questioned in this imaginary world; quite the contrary, they function to unite the characters and the events more persuasively than if logic and reason had prev ailed. Mysteriousness, in short, is certainly one reasonable explanation for the emotion which the play generates. The second attribute refers to the tension between realties and appearances in the play. There is a problem which arises in the play in terms of distinguishing reality from appearances. This element of the play exacerbates rather than constrains the mysteriousness of the play. The ghost, for instance, is symbolic of this second type of attribute. The ghost is, in Mack's words, a "vehicle of truth" and yet its motivations and true form is uncertain. Realities spill forth from an apparition which itself is suspect. The reader of the play is thus confronted with more mysteriousness. Moreover, there is a constant second-guessing as to the real substance of the characters. What, for example, do Polonius and Ophelia truly desire Claudius repents. The King desires salvation. Much of what is learned is learned indirectly. Words are overheard and people are hidden. There is a sense that what is hidden is real and what is apparent is mere appearance. The language employed by the characters is deceptive and sincere. There are real questions as to what is the truth of many matters. What is the truth of Ophelia What is the true nature of the apparition and do his words convey reality or something less This second attribute, the layers of realities and appearances which are interwoven so seamlessly, certainly reflect this imaginary wo

Leadership of General George S. Patton Essay Example for Free

Leadership of General George S. Patton Essay Leadership of General George S. Patton by Eugene V. Struzik III May 23, 2011 Abstract The purpose of this research paper is to explore the different leadership styles that General George S. Patton Jr. used throughout his life, (November 11, 1885 until December 21, 1945). General Patton is often thought of as one of the most controversial generals in history. This paper will concentrate on events that happened in his life and how his determination, will and hard work helped him overcome and became a better leader. It is evident that in a review of the research General Patton was able to achieve many his success by determination and hard work to be the best in everything that he set his mind to accomplish. He was never happy, except when he was given the challenge of commanding men into battle. General Patton was a leader, a warrior and the most feared General by the Germans. General George S. Patton was a man who is often referred to as a great general, and leader of men who was equally just as controversial. His career in the Army was often a struggle for him to advance and receive the recognition that he deserved. This paper will cover the leadership styles of General Patton during the early, then during World War I. Next it will cover World War II and finally I will give my opinion on the subject. George S. Patton, who was sometime called Georgie, was an average child with the hopes and dreams of becoming a great military leader like his Grandfather, Great-Grandfather and many of his other relatives (Regan, 1960). He worked hard with his academic career to tried to get into West Point the United States Military Academy, but he was not accepted at first. Not deterred by this set back, he went to Virginia Military Institute (VMI) for a year (Reda, 2004). Even though he was going to VMI, he continued tirelessly to get accepted into West Point. Finally Patton was accepted into West Point, but he found it far more challenging then he imagined it would. The major reason that he had difficulty with the studies was because he was suffering from dyslexia, a disorder that caused everything to look backwards (Reda, 2004). Although faced with these difficulties, George never gave up, even when he was forced to repeat his plebe year, due to poor academic performance. However this failure to progress only strengthened his resolve and determination to better. In an effort of almost memorizing everything from his textbooks, he was able to achieve an appointed Cadet Adjutant. Another area that he had an interest in was sports. He encourage the introduction of sports into the school as a way for men to stay focused on studies as appose to getting in trouble (Regan, 1960). His efforts lead to the creation of the first football team and the fencing team. He felt that sport would help him and his classmate overcome the boredom of every day life at West point. In addition, it would help them overcome physical challenges through determination and it would teach them sportsmanship. In an amazing testament to hard work and preservation, George Patton graduated from West Point. Although he did not graduate at the top of his class, he was ranked number 46 out of 103, which is amazing considering the fact that he failed his first year in the Academy. He was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant and assigned to the US Calvery. It was also during this time in Pattons life that he would marry his beautiful and wealthy wife, Beatrice Ayer. Her father was not fond of her marring a military man, because he felt that this would keep his daughter far away from her family. In fact her father, Frederick Ayer, offered George a job in the family business if he would just resign his commission in the Army. However, that was not something that George Patton, was able to do. He was living his dream of being an officer in the United States Army. Georges determination and hard work would reach a high point when he participated in the 1912 Olympics. Although George was not a natural athlete, he simply did what he always did work twice as hard as everyone else in an effort to be better than everyone else. It was his will and his desire to be the best that propelled him into getting fifth place during the Olympics. This raw determination to achieve a goal and accomplish the task ahead would become his trademark. Once again George Pattons determination and desire to excel paid off. Lieutenant Patton was able to get a position as an aide to General Blackjack Pershing during the Punitive Expedition. The interesting thing about this appointment was General Pershing was not taking people to his staff. In fact, it was a letter that Lieutenant Patton wrote to General Pershing requesting to be considered for an appointment to the Generals staff that gave George the opportunity of a lifetime. Here he would learn what it took to be a good Calvary Officer and he would make important contact that would serve him well in the future. This leads into the second main point of this paper, which is Patton emerging into a leader. It is 1917, and the United States has just declared war on Germany. Patton got another chance to serve under General Blackjack Pershing. Pershing gave Patton a promotion to the rank of Captain and appointed him the Tank commander for the American troops. This was not an easy task for Captain Patton, since he had to develop a training program, and tactics for the new technological advancement of the tank. This was Pattons first leadership challenge that would set the tone for how he dealt with all of the other challenges in his life. He was the first tank commander (Reagan, 1960), with this job he took on the daunting task of creating the first Tank Command in Europe. Patton single-handedly created the, the AEF Tank Training Center. He created the, the ideas, the tactics, the design, the uniforms, the procedures. Virtually, everything that was done came from Patton (Reda, 2004). Patton realized the need for training and the benefit that he would get on the battle field. Drawing from his own experience, Patton viewed the tank as the calvary of the future. It would be during this First World War that he would develop many of his leadership skills. As was pointed out by Captain VonShell, Instill a sense of security in the men, by so doing you will help them overcome their fears (1933, p. 17). Patton exemplified this behavior, by being the first person to ride on a tank for in combat even though there was machine gun fire raining down on him (Reda,

Monday, July 22, 2019

American novel Essay Example for Free

American novel Essay Inspiration is something that some people have difficulty finding, whether to write the great American novel or simply to get out of bed in the morning. Creative inspiration is much more delicate a subject, as when one does not feel the desire to create, the product most often suffers greatly. However, for me, creative inspiration comes from almost everywhere I look, as long as I manage to see beauty before me, and luckily, the world is a beautiful place. Beauty is truly everywhere; it can be in a sunset, a work of art, or in a masterpiece of architecture. There is manmade beauty and natural beauty, and both have unique appeals that inspire to humans in many different ways, including creatively. Along with the millions of writers, painters, and poets that came before me, I find creative inspiration in noticing the beauty of things, no matter how common or rare. I can also find beauty amidst things that are ugly, if anything gaining an increased appreciation for the beautiful moments of peace and lightness. No matter how much I suffer or observe suffering, it is easy for me to remember that life is indeed beautiful, and this often inspires me to continue creating beauty of my own. Human physical beauty is also something that inspires me creatively. It is impossible to deny that certain men and women are not beautiful, for a perfect face and body attracts many people from all around; however like the old adage that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, everyone else may not universally agree upon the external and physical beauty of these people. Some people make think blonds are beautiful, while others prefer brunettes; some people may like blue eyes, while others only find brown beautiful. This shows the subjective nature of beauty, which begs the question as to whether this beauty is significant at all or merely a matter of taste. However, like the beauty of Helen of Troy, legendary and often referenced in all arts, beautiful people inspire me to create. But, while physical beauty can inspire me to create, it is most often the beauty I find within people and myself that most inspires me. I believe the greatest and most inspiration beauty in life comes from within; and this kind of beauty can be achieved by everyone without pills, painful operations, or costly beauty treatments. I have learned not to put too much stock in the media’s representation of beauty, because I feel it robs from the more significant beauty that can be achieved in society when people think of each other and treat each other with equal respect and consideration. I do my best to live by the golden rule, and find situations the most beautiful when others do the same. I feel that many of the popular conceptions of beauty are based on half-truths and blatant deceptions, encouraging people to hide their flaws rather than love themselves. For me, honesty is beautiful and inspirational, and I try always to be honest, and subsequently inspired. Life is beautiful enough without having to worry about perfecting physical attributes, and the truth is that aesthetic beauty is not nearly as lasting or inspirational as emotional, spiritual, and mental beauty. These are the kinds of beauty to which I aspire and have successfully managed to cultivate in my efforts to harness creative inspiration. While beauty may truly be in the eye of the beholder, I feel confident in my own beauty because I treat everything in life as it is: beautiful. From this view, it is easy for me to find creative inspiration in just about everything I see, hear, and feel. I find joy and inspiration in everything, and I try to make everyone share in the beauty that I possess and inspiration I find, hoping that they can also create his or her own. I try to be truthful in all regards, and try never to feel insecure that my beliefs in my own beauty are false. I refuse to adopt the media’s perception of beauty, and prefer to find my own conceptions in what I see is true beauty: generosity, compassion, and joy. All I have to do is sit back for a moment, reflect on the wonders of existence, and I will inevitably be convinced of the beauty of life, and subsequently inspired to create some of my own. For me, this is the truth, and like the words of John Keats, â€Å"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all/ Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know† (Keats, 1901). For me, beauty is truth, and truth is inspiring. REFERENCES Keats, J. (1901/1999). Ode to a Grecian Urn. The Oxford Book of English Verse. Ed. Quiller- Couch, Arthur Thomas, Sir. Bartleby. com. 31 Jul 2008. www. bartleby. com/ 101/625.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Recruitment And Selection Process Business Essay

The Recruitment And Selection Process Business Essay In this report the topic that will be discussed is The Recruitment and Selection process and how it has moved on from the days of newspaper ads and block interviews. The introduction of the report will discuss recruitment and selection and the methods of recruitment and selection. The main body of the report will focus on companies today, and how they are recruiting and selecting with more innovative approaches that many companies are beginning to use in 2013. Then in the report there will be a section on some weaknesses about the ways in which companies are beginning to recruit and select. To conclude the report I will sum up everything on the topic of recruitment and selection and state my opinion. Recruitment and selection is one of the many roles played by a human resource manager in an organisation. In the human resource department they deal with what positions need to be filled, they take the possible candidates through a series of interviews, select the best candidate for the job, the training of the employees, they also tell the employees all about the services they offer and they make sure that the employees and the organisation are highly motivated. Organisations all over the world have realized that human resources is a very valuable asset to them and therefore necessary measures have been put in place to make sure that the organisation will gain and keep a highly skilled workforce which would guarantee that the organisation manage a competitive advantage over its competitors (Jones George, 2007). In recruiting and selecting it is very important to have a clear job description and personal specification. A job description will entail what the title of the job is, to whom the job holder will be responsible and for whom they will be responsible too. It will also entail what their roles and responsibilities will be. A person specification will look for what skills and characteristics the applicants will need for the job. When applying the two together they provide the foundation for a job advertisement. Recruitment is the process in which you source possible applicants for a job. The manager who is in charge of hiring the applicants can use the likes of job boards, social networking sites, recruitment programmes that may be linked with colleges and possibly job fairs. These may be used by companies to create an interest in jobs that are available in a certain company (Peterson, J. 2013). Selection is the process where when all the candidates have been selected the group of candidates will be broken down and one out of all of them will be selected for the job. This process may and can require a couple of different interviews and assessments of the applicants personality (Peterson, J. 2013). For the selection of a candidate, many organisations use a range of different tools and technologies to measure a candidates abilities and skills, allowing them to successfully choose the most qualified candidates that would benefit the company most to proceed to the interview process. By assessing a candidates skills this will enable the organisation to look into different qualifications within the interview.(Human Resource Management in Ireland 3rd edition (2006) Page 119). As part of the recruitment and selection process, it is very important to assess the candidates true interest in the company and their position in the organisation, which can then ensure you are hiring a long-term employee. A good way to retain employees in an organisation is to include things such as telling them about their salary and the benefits that they may offer within the good work environment. Today there are many different methods of recruitment such as: 1. Internal methods e.g. Internal promotion 2. External agencies e.g. Employment agency 3. Printed media e.g. National local newspapers 4. Other media e.g. Internet, TV 5. Education Liaison e.g. Careers fairs 6. Professional contracts e.g. Conferences, trade unions 7. Other methods e.g. Past applicants, word of mouth (Noel Harvey Lecture slides) There are a few different selection processes, which are as follows: The interview The objective of this, is to meet the candidate face to face to see if they are the right person for the job, to record some answers to critical incident-type questions, to discuss contractual terms and conditions etc. Psychometric tests Standardised test of performance attitudes or personality. There are a few different types for example: cognitive ability, personality, attitudes and values, and career choice and guidance. These tests can either precede or follow interview stage. Results can form basis of further interview questions, or interview can be used to feedback test results. Assessment centres Multiple-method design, usually incorporating testing, interviews, and work sample exercises, where candidates are tested by observers on job-relevant dimensions. Can last from 1-5 days. These are usually the final stage of assessment to reach outcome decisions. This is a good form of selection because it gives employers the opportunity to observe candidates over a longer period of time in formal and informal situations, and multiple assessments by several assessors over several exercises can eliminate some individual biases associated with one-to-one interviews.(Human Resource Management in Ireland 3rd edition (2006) Page 120) It is essential to recruit and select employees who are fully committed to the aims and objectives of the organisation. An employee who believes in what the company is about and what it wants to achieve, will try their best to accomplish the companys goals. They will want the company to be successful, and will feel the sense of achievement from being part of the companys success. By hiring the right high quality employees for the job, with the right qualifications and skills, who are determined to succeed, this will result in increased levels of organisation performance. Every company has recruitment and selection processes in place to hire their employees, for example Boston Scientific, ESB, Google, and Dunnes Stores etc. In recruiting today we are now in an era where technology rules. The whole process of the recruitment and selection has and is continuously changing and evolving as the years go by. Its changing as technology is changing. As stated in paragraphs above recruitment and selection strategies can vary but now employers are turning to more efficient, effective and modern ways of recruiting staff. Methods today are changing drastically for not just the employer but the employee too. Online recruitment is the way forward and in 2013 its what most companies are using to recruit and select. Online recruitment uses the power of the internet to match people to jobs (George Finnegan- Lecture slides). Some examples of the online recruitment methods are using social networking sites like Facebook and twitter, job boards and even mobile apps. Research shows that 2012 was the year for workforce innovation; companies were testing in the use of social media in branding and marketing their organisations. But in 2013 research has shown that now companies are taking social further and that this year 2013 will be the year of social HR, as many organisations are integrating with social technology to recruit, develop and engage employees (Meister. J, 2013). Employers have begun to find out more about who they may be recruiting and selecting by going online. The Death of the CV, in 2013 the traditional CV is being replaced by a persons personal brand and how they are portrayed online. Now that times have changed employers are checking out potential candidates backgrounds before they are even interviewed. The manager that is going to hire you will definitely look into some of the following sources about a potential employee. (Meister. J, 2013). They will check your Facebook profile. They will enter your name into Google and Bing to see what may come up. They will check up on your twitter account to see how many followers you have and to look through your tweets. They will check your LinkedIn profile, they will look into the quality and size of it community. They will also check your recommendations on your LinkedIn profile. Another innovative approach online that some employers are taking in recruiting and selecting candidates is through Gamification. This process is edging its way in through the back door. Here is an example of how the Marriott use it as a method of recruiting and selecting. The Marriott Hotel have come up with a hotel-themed game that is played online, its quite similar to Farmville. In this game the players (potential candidates) have to play and manage the responsibilities if they were to be an actual manager in a kitchen. The candidate playing the game will get to know a bit about the industry, also there is a reward system in place to make it more realistic for the candidates. The basis behind the game is first of all the Marriotts name is growing outside the market, and the younger generation coming up they are finding new ways to interest them in careers in hospitality. Gamification is now a popular tool being used in the recruitment process because it attracts possible candidates through these social games on Facebook and LinkedIn. The game My Marriot on Facebook is an opportunity for any company to use a social network like these as a platform to engage global perspective new hires and show them what it could be like to work for them in there co mpany (Meister. J, 2012). Another innovative approach used online to recruit is using YouTube a social media site it a very effective tool for recruiting employees today. It is used by managers who are hiring. They may talk about a role that they are looking to fill in their team. When using this method of recruitment it means that anybody who is a candidate for the job can get the chance to see where they might be working, who they may be working for and they may be working with. Another approach online that is being taken is RSS (really simple syndication). This website is used by applicants. Its a website that keeps potential applicants up to date with any jobs that have been posted online. There is a daily update about the posting of jobs without the applicant even having to return to the website. When the website is set up the RSS reader will continuously check websites for any new and available jobs that may have been posted online. It will then proceed to show these jobs to the applicant without them having to do a thing. This section of the report will discuss some of the disadvantages of online recruitment. Today online recruitment and selection is one of the most popular methods with most companies and it is the way forward in this process. There can also be some disadvantages to this method. The first disadvantage may be the high volume of responses to the job because now everyone around the world is able to gain internet access so easily they could see the job advertisement online. Many unqualified may apply for the job this may be time consuming for a company to go through each applicant. To avoid this happening make sure the job advertisement is specific to exactly what you are looking for. Another disadvantage is online recruiting is too impersonal because a lot of it involves emailing and telephone interviews this can make it come across as too impersonal. The employer may not get the chance to interview the possible candidate multiple times; this makes it hard for the employer to determine if the candidate would be correct for the job and for the company and its culture. Another disadvantage of online recruitment is security problems that may come about with the internet. People can create spams and fake profiles. Here are some of the more innovative approaches being taken by companies in 2013 towards filling vacancies in an organisation. These recruitment sources have become very popular also. This section of the report will discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of these different recruitment methods. Companies have now begun to use airplane banners in recruiting. The advantage of these is that it will grasp the attention of potential applicants. Although some may think it is an unprofessional approach even slightly intrusive. Companies have also begun to hang large banners and signs. The advantage of these banners is that they are cheap making them cost effective. But also they may be considered as an unprofessional approach and a busy location is always needed. Bill bored advertising is now another popular recruitment method. Its advantage is its a high volume attention grabber but its unable to display a large amount of information this could come as a disadvantage. Another popular recruitment method that is now being used is companies have begun to use competitions to recruit. The advantage of this would be the opportunity to evaluate skills before extending the job offer. It may be very time consuming though. The use of kiosks makes it easy for the person to apply for the job. The disadvantage of kiosks would be the unmonitored application flow. Many companies are now using movie ads because they attract people who are currently looking for a job. The disadvantage is that these ads may be intrusive and disturbing. Another recruitment method would be on site recruitment. Here the company can reach a wide variety and audience of people; it also saves time and deals with good public relations. There would be a disadvantage that it would deal with lots of unqualified applicants. To conclude this essay it entails a thorough analysis and discussion and on what the recruitment and selection process is and how it is one of the many roles played by a human resource manager. There is a definition of what recruitment is and what selection is and how they come together as a process. In the report it states many different methods of recruitment and different selection processes. It discusses why it is so essential to recruit and select employees who are fully committed. The report then goes on to discuss the innovative approaches that are now being used by companies in recruiting and selecting. This was the primary aim of the report. The main one and most popular being online recruitment. It discusses firstly how employers are now before interviewing possible candidates, finding out more about these candidates online. Then the report discusses a new innovative approach called gamification that is starting to become popular and how companies are using it as a tool for recruiting. The report also states some of the disadvantages of online recruitment. After discussing the innovative online approaches of recruitment and selection in the report, there is then a few other examples of innovative approaches that are being used in recruitment and selection in 2013. Here the advantages and disadvantages are discussed of each. In my opinion after researching this topic on recruitment and selection it gave me a better understanding and insight into how companies are going about recruiting and selecting today. As technology is evolving so are the methods and processes of recruitment and selection. In an article that was discussed in the report it stated that 2013 will be the year of social HR, as many organisations are integrating with social technology to recruit, develop and engage employees. The further I researched the more true this statement became. I feel after doing this research that online recruitment will be how all companies will be recruiting and selecting within the next few years. As technology gets more innovative so will the approaches to how companies will recruit and select. There where both pros and cons to online recruitment but within the next year I feel that any negative of online recruitment will be flushed out. There is no problem with using the old methods of recruitment and selection but as the new generation workforce coming up now they should be mostly aware and comfortable with the online methods that they are going to come across as they begin to look for employment.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saving Your Culture in America Essay -- Cultural Traditions Immigratio

Saving Your Culture in America Many people come to the United States for freedom and to live out the American dream.What is happening is many people are trying to â€Å"fit† in with the American ways that they lose a lot of their own culture by assimilating into the American society.By losing your culture you lose a part of yourself.Knowing about your history and learning about other people’s history can give you a greater understanding of other ethnic groups and in some ways enrich your life.By preserving your culture and learning about others, it will help you to understand people better.If more people did this communication would be better between the vast ethnic groups.And by learning all of this you learn a lot about yourself and who you are. My cultural background has helped me to understand who I am and how I am different in my own unique way because of my ethnicity.Both of my parents immigrated to the United States in the 70’s from the Philippines.My mother grew up in a well to do family where she was the youngest of seven children, while my fathergrew up in a middle class family where he was the second oldest of eight.They both lived comfortable lives with their respective families and wet to good schools where they were educated well and taught the English language. In the 70s my father came to the states with his family and they settled in Chicago, while my mother came to the U.S. with her sisters and they settled in Michigan.My father came to Michigan to visit relatives often and on one such occasion he met my mother.They fell in love and got married all in the span of a few months.After they were married they decided together to live in Chicago but they often commuted from Chicago to Michigan to visit my mothe... ...ges of Race." BorderTexts: Cultural Readings for Contemporary Writers. Ed. Randall Bass. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1999. 400-410 Bray, Thomas J. â€Å"Memorial day and Multiculturalism. Detroit News 24 May 1998. 16 pars. 15 September 2000 <> Cose, Ellis. â€Å"What’s White, Anyway?† Newsweek. 11 September 2000. <> Takaki, Ronald. â€Å"A Different Mirror† BorderText: Cultural Readings for Contemporary Writers. Ed. Randall Bass. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin. 1999. 589-596. Tan, Amy. â€Å"Mother Tongue† BorderText: Cultural Readings for Contemporary Writers. Ed. Randall Bass. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin. 1999. 11-15. â€Å"The Klan’s Fight for Americanism.† 1926 Pamphlet. 10 pars. 15 September 2000 <>

Subtle Feminist Assertions in The Yellow Wallpaper -- Feminism Feminis

Subtle Feminist Assertions in The Yellow Wallpaper Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper " was originally shunned by the American patriarchal literary powers present before the turn of the century. Despite editors' hesitation, Gilman's determination eventually led to the story's publication in New England Magazine in 1892. It was not until the early 1970's, however, that the story was adopted by the feminist literary movement and viewed as the author undoubtedly intended. A popularly held opinion among critics is that this delayed acceptance was "a case of misinterpretation by audiences used to 'traditional' literature. " Before the modern feminist movement in literature, readers would not have expected or looked for the kind of message found in "The Yellow Wallpaper." Were the story written a century later, the feminist message would likely be stronger. To get it published and portray the realities of her narrator, however, Gilman recognized the need for ambiguity in the story's feminist message. Gilman left the story ope n to patriarchal interpretations, but included enough commentary within and beyond the narration to convince the feminist reader of her true intentions. The submissive unnamed protagonist and narrator acts as an enabler to her patriarchal surroundings. Gilman clarifies on the first page the narrator's feminist disinclination, "John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage." This defines the woman's attitude towards her position in her marriage and society. The woman's defeatism also works to 'put her in her place' in the patriarchal society. After briefly explaining that her husband does not believe s... ...not discounting, does somewhat deflate, or mask, the argument that Gilman is offering a truism about the difference between males and females. Some of the greatest writers, artists, and musicians have been patently misread or ignored by their contemporaries, only to be discovered as visionaries decades or centuries later. By creating a submissive female narrator, Gilman makes a powerful statement to the modern reader about the realities of women before the 20th century. The narrator's acquiescent quality is simultaneously a common trait for women of the time and the catalyst of her insanity. Considering the state of women when the story was written, the narrator had to be as she was to be believable. Thus, the story's recent rise to popularity must be attributed to Gilman's subtle feminist assertions, almost a century ahead of their time.

Friday, July 19, 2019

F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby as Criticism of American Society

  Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald criticizes American society in the 1920?s for its tendencies to waste, advertise, form superficial relationships, and obsess over appearances. The work has been praised for both its brutal realism and its keen depiction of the age that The New York Times referred to as the era when, 'gin was the national drink and sex was the national obsession'(Fitzgerald vii).   ' . . . indifference is presented as a moral failure - a failure of society, particularly the society of the American east to recognize the imperatives of truth and honesty and justice? (Gallo 35).     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   F. Scott Fitzgerald criticizes the wasteful tendencies of American society.   He uses the valley of ashes to refer to this ugly aspect of American society.   The valley of ashes is a bleak area situated between the West Egg and New York City, 'where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and, finally, with a transcendent effort, of men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air'(Fitzgerald 23).   This unpleasant wasteland is located right along the roadway and train route between the eggs, home of the lofty aristocrats, and New York City, the exciting and fashionable metropolis where many of the nations wealthiest people live, work, and entertain themselves.   'There is no essential difference between the moneyed wastelands of New York City and Long Island and the valley of ashes,' (Gallo 49)  Ã‚   Referring to an eye doctor's billboard in the valley of ashes, Nick, our narrator comments:   Evidently some wild wag of an oculist set them there to fatten his practice   in the borough of Queens, and then sank down himself into eternal   blindness or forgot them and moved away.   But ... ... Moment: The Novels of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1970. Whitley, John S.   F. Scott Fitzgerald: "The Great Gatsby." London: Edward Arnold, 1976. Outline Thesis statement: In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald criticizes American society in the 1920?s for its tendency to waste, advertise, form superficial relationships, and obsess over appearances. I. Introduction   A. Literary Classic   B. Societal Criticism    1. wasteful tendency    2. advertising obsession    3. superficial relationships    4. appearances fixation II. Wasteful Tendency   A. Valley of Ashes   B. Gatsby   C. Tom and Daisy III. Advertising Obsession   A. Billboard   B. McKees   C. Tom   D. Daisy   E. Gatsby III. Appearances Fixation   A. Myrtle   B. Catherine   C. Gatsby IV. Superficial Relationships   A. Billboard   B. Myrtle?s Party

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Issue of Keeping Animals in Captivity

The issue of keeping animals in captivity has been brought into focus recently. Some people claimed animals have the right to choose to live in their natural habitats, but others think some animals do better in the zoos. Overall, it is important to look as both sides of the argument. Supporters of zoos would argue that there are many advantages to keeping animals in captivity. One of the most important of these is that there are some endangered species are protected in the zoos. Like Giant Panda, Brown Bear and Siberian Tiger and so on. Moreover, zoos give us a close encounter with wild animals. In addition to this, zoos make an easy life for animals. For example, they don't need to run about hunting for a meal, there are no real predators in the zoos and they don’t have to worry about finding partner. On the other hand, those who oppose zoos would argue that some large animals need plenty of space to wander around in. Such as lions and polar bears, they are also endangered species but they usually breed unsuccessfully in the zoos which because of stress. Furthermore, people visit zoos for entertainment not for education. Besides, animals lose natural instincts in the zoos. If we put them to the wildlife again, they can’t survive well independently. That is a kind of tragedy is made by human. On balance, I feel that zoos are not suitable for all animals, it’s really depends on what species they are, what behaviour they have and where is better for them to live. However, the zoos need to do more researches for understand animals better and improve the living environment of them constantly.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Lord of the Flies †Darkness of a Man’s Heart Essay

Origin all in ally published in 1954, William Goldings _ master copy of the wing_ has become wiz of the classics of contemporary literature. The newfangled is about a group of young boys stranded alone on an island and go away to f block for themselves. In an attempt to pattern their previous world without the influence of adults, the fix up that had once existed soon decays and is replaced by the crazy ho occasion that destroys their ordered and civilised cultures. Though fictional, _Lord of the Flies_ deals with duskyly moral questions of how hu troopss be fundamentally barbaric in their most blunt bow. Golding conveys his idea of the repulsiveness of a earthly concerns sum successfully through effective use of allegory, symbolism, and his perception of a dystopian society._Lord of the Flies_ buns be viewed as a political allegory of the in homosexual being War. Golding served in the Royal Navy and recalling later(prenominal) his war experiences, he remarked th at earth produces evil, as a bee produces honey. The Cold War was a struggle between two tiptop power ideologies Democracy and Communism, signified by Ralph and Jack respectively. Near the close of the novel, the boys ar rescued by a maritime commander who came ashore in his sauceboat whilst the boys were playing savages. The irony is that after he brings the boys home, the naval commander will swallow to sea and engage in a out-of-the-way(prenominal) larger game of fury called war.Thus, Golding makes a point that the island is a microcosmic representation of the conflict between country and communism in the war. When the boys ar prototypical deserted on the island, they behave wish well children, alternating between enjoying their freedom and expressing profound homesickness and fear. By the end of the novel, however, they mirror the competitive behaviour of the Home Counties, attacking, torturing and murdering one another without hesitation or ruefulness due to the l ack of government and order. Ralph weeps for the end of innocence and the darkness of a mans heart (p 248) upon reunification with the touchable world and realisation that evil lurks inside all human beings.Symbolism plays a major role in _Lord of the Flies_. through with(predicate) the rich use of symbolism, Golding reveals that humans isolated from societys rules allow themselves to be dominated by the evil within them. The Lord of the Flies and the Beast atomic number 18 two major symbols that enforce the Goldings idea of the darkness in a mans heart. They are not really physical characters, notwithstanding instead the evil in every(prenominal) human being.Simon is the first one on the island to realise and thus makes a proposal. What I mean ismaybe its barely us. (p 111)Simon speaks these words in Chapter 5, during the meeting in which the boys discuss the existence of the wildcat well. Although the other boys joke discharge Simons suggestion that the woman chaser may be only us, Simons words are underlying to Goldings point that innate human evil exists.Simons idea of the darkness of a mans heart is reinforced in Chapter 8, when he confronts the Lord of the Flies. There isnt anyone to help you. simply me. And Im he Beast. (p 177) These words spoken by the Lord of the Flies confirm Simons speculation that maybe the beast is only the boys themselves and acknowledges that it exists in all human beings. This is backed up push with The Lord of the Flies adoption of the boys rather colloquial language, Im the fence why its no go? (p 177) As the story progresses, the boys begin to morality the beast and make offerings to it. The appreciation for the beast is paralleled by the amount of savagery in the group. Through the use of symbolism, Golding successfully illustrates his stem turn of natural savagery within humans.The fancy of a dystopian society can be seen clearly through _Lord of the Flies._ Golding sees moral behaviour as something that civilisation forces upon the man-to-man rather than being a natural element. The novel implies that the instinct of savagery is far more primal and fundamental to human beings than the instinct of civilisation.The impression of a dystopian society within _Lord of the Flies_ is enhanced by Goldings rich and dark constitution style.During the early chapters of the novel, the setting was depicted as almost a utopia, Ralph stood, one reach against a grey trunk, and screwed up his eyeball against the shimmering water (p 14), yet however is lay with dystopian qualities, Behind this was the darkness of the forest proper and the open space of the scar. This creates a sense offoreshadowing which eventually leads on to the corruption and deterioration of the boys civilisation. With the absence seizure of civilisation, the boys are left to fend on their throw with minimal resources andtherefore naturally reverting cruelty, savagery, and barbarism._Lord of the Flies_ lighten holds relevance to readers in this day as it addresses issues regarding the human condition and society. These issues will be as relevant today as they were hundreds of years ago and will nonetheless be relevant in the future. As for allegory, the novel represents the differences in political systems, systems that are still part of our lives today. If we scrape off the cover of civilisation, we are all beasts within.Through use of allegory, symbolism and a concept of dystopia, Golding conveys that the absence of a civilisation is able to overturn humanity to a natural state of barbarism.In conclusion, _Lord of the Flies_ thoroughly explores the darkness of a mans heart.

Fitzgerald and Steinbeck: Depiction of a Shared Theme Essay

forget is Forgiven. This quote by F. Scott Fitzgerald depicts the true verity of death, erstwhile death has taken you and you are forgotten, you are then forgiven. This reality is true in well-nigh belles-lettres of F. Scott Fitzgerald and John Steinbeck. The Modern age (1915-1946) has covered some of Americas most important history. During this clock time period WWI occurred along with the Roaring 20s, The large Depression, WWII and the H-bomb. These historical events gave modern literature characteristics that no other(a) time period can replicate.The great compose movement of modernism came along with the disbelief in the American Dream. There was no longer a need to capture the essence of modern heart. many a(prenominal) forms of the era were fragmented and not sequential. Many transitions, resolutions, interpretations, summaries and explanations were utilise that are common in traditional writings. Themes would doctor to issues and events of the time, while havi ng readers draw their own conclusions to these writings.Many techniques of writing were physical exercised as well, like stream of sense (recreation of the natural flow of thoughts), and the use of symbolism and allusions to arouse themes. Fitzgerald, author of Winter Dreams and The Great Gatsby, and Steinbeck, author of escape valve used modernistic writing and their personal life encounters to illustrate their thoughts that nature dishs as an escape from reality. Being the fore front of Modernism, F. Scott Fitzgerald and John Steinbeck use similar settings, symbolism, and character development to depict a shared theme that nature can serve as an escape from reality.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Classical Civilizations of Ancient Greece, Rome, and China

by means of proscribed history, at that place support been numerous elegances, imperiums, colonies, and tribes that ordain on wedged the innovation. The well-bredizations of Greece, capital of Italy, and china countenance make this, exclusively what get dresseds them obscure from the early(a)s is their persistent moment and abiding intrusion they had on the world. For this reason, they ar considered authorised well-bredizations. To quarter how Greece, capital of Italy, and Han chinaw be argon unequivocal, on that point be trine governing bodys that ar utilise these are frugal, cordial, and Political. bulge of these trine unspotted subtletys, Greece came fore more(prenominal) or less in history.An fundamental fraud of Greece was its plumbery dusts. Greece was the archetypal dour to compel plumb and immediately it is nearly unheard of for a mark anyplace on plain to non consider a quantify system. This base add ups on a lo wer floor the scotch category. The close to meaning(a) friendly deliver from superannuated Greeks would be philosophical system. after the Peloponnesian Wars, umteen an any(prenominal) new(prenominal)(prenominal) an different(prenominal) sight began quizzical themselves and their beliefs. During this time, umpteen philosophers were breathing in Greece. sensation of the virtu whollyy chief(prenominal) was Socrates. He support state to visualize their beliefs.When he was 70, he was buzz offn to exertion for debase the jejuneness of capital of Greece and neglecting the metropoliss gods. He was put to expiry by poison. close to historians regularize that the fade of capital of Greece started with his death. Plato, ace of Socrates assimilators, wrote a phonograph recording nigh Platos mountain of a utterly governed society. Platos writings rule philosophical prospect in atomic number 63 for intimately 1,500 years. past thither was Aristotle, a student of Platos. Aristotle invented a method acting acting of logical system which is the world for the scientific method of today.Even Greeces philosophy was truly authoritative on forthcoming civilizedizations, wreak is considered Greeces most grand donation to late society. Democracy, shoot downstairs the policy-making system, is a policy-making science controlled by its citizens, each straight or with representatives. Greece was the first to read this persona of governing body. America, on with umteen other countries, borrowed this root word from Greece when creating their governments. future(a) on the timeline is capital of Italy. old-fashi superstard capital of Italy, wish well America, borrowed many ideas from the Greeks to induce and pressurise morphologic ideas.In this air, they alter their quantify systems, save improve it by inventing commonaltyplace latrines. We faculty r eithery of this as an advancement, still capital of Ital y had theater of operationss where pots were fixed in a spate to go to the bathroom, and the fade would bewilder down into a river or be adrift (the plumbing system). This was a considerable betterment in their salutary conditions. The romans acquired other ideas from places other than Greece. In the political division, there was the roman print police force where its standards were exceedingly temptd by the teachings of unemotional person philosophers.The principles were base on common consciousness and matter-of-fact ideas. more than of late laws, including the juristic systems of many European countries on with the coupled States, bring forth been influenced by the huge undestroyable roman type law. again with importance, Romes agriculture and job compete a great affair in Roman life. husbandry was the most definitive diligence in the imperium and invariablyything else depended on it. nearly Romans relied on the fodder enceinte in their loc al anesthetic area and exactly other pabulum and luxuries were solitary(prenominal) for the deep and they got them by means of deal.Rome, macrocosm along the Mediterranean Sea, had a coarse transaction system and likewise had roads connecting it to furthermost off places often(prenominal) as Persia and gray Russia. And connecting this huge empire was its furbish up language, the Latin language. Latin, in the well-disposed system, had a major influence on some major languages of the world, including French, Italian, Spanish, and English. along with Romes co-ordinated funds fuck as the Denarius, the Latin language helped mix in the civilization by linking divers(a) monolithic number and far forth a panache areas.Ancient chinas particular overlapped Romes, precisely started afterward, so come through would die mainland chinaware. In equation with Rome, mainland china had a large job net forge. They some(prenominal) built roads to move on their net fields too. chinas business was very principal(prenominal) to the Han imperium. When the Empire realise worthful their silk was as an keepsake of trade, they unbroken their issue technique a secret. The solicit for silk from mainland China ontogenesisd. This increase of require grow Chinese transaction grasp all the way through Asia and India, all the way to Rome.As trade would revert in the Economic category, Chinas bureaucratism and civil assist would fall in the Social category. A bureaucratism is a system of departments and agencies that form o persist out the work of government and a civil redevelopment is when mickle are paying(a) to work at bottom a civilization/countrys government. The bureaucratism of China include xviii different ranks of civil return jobs that civilians could set about by victorious examinations. just if someone wanted to take one of these tests, they would brace much more of a bump if they went to the initiate that Wu di set up.In this school, great deal examine Confuciuss works. These schools were pricy so only sons of squiffy land owners ever had a observe at a government career. Evidently, you did not have to conceptualize in the Confucianism religion, further those who did were rewarded. Confucianism move under(a) the brotherly division. These three civilizations were considered classical civilizations because of the carry on that Greece, Rome and China had on the mod worlds economic, affectionate and political systems.